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Forbuild among the sponsors of the Champion of Poland

We are pleased to announce that Forbuild company joined the sponsors of PGE VIVE Kielce club within the “Join Bertus” project.


NewConnect market debut

On April 4th, 2013., our company made its debut listing on the NewConnect Polish stock exchange market. The first listing for the allotment certificates of Betomax was not changed against the reference listing, and amounted to PLN 2,70 at closure. The turnover on this day with respect to Betomax stock was the highest of the entire NewConnect segment and amounted to PLN 258.525,82. Two million issue C certificates were released for circulation.


Betomax Polska S. A. prospectus

We hereby inform that on December 20th, 2012, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority has approved the prospectus of the company Betomax Polska S. A.